

Książki w języku polskim

Arnold mindel

O pracy ze śniącym ciałemWydawnictwo Pusty Obłok, Warszawa 1991.

Śniące ciało w związkach. Jacek Santorski & CO Agencja Wydawnicza, Warszawa 1992.

Śniące ciało: rola ciała w odkrywaniu jaźni. Wydawnictwo "Rebirthing", Opole 1993.

Śpiączka: Klucz do przebudzenia.Nuit Magique, Warszawa 1994.

Lider mistrzem sztuk walki.Wydawnictwo MEDIUM, Warszawa 1995.

Praca nad samym sobą.Nuit Magique, Warszawa 1995.

Siedząc w ogniu.Nuit Magique, Warszawa 1998

Cienie miasta.Kraków 2000

Psychologia i szamanizmKOS 2002

Śnienie na jawieKOS 2004

O istocie snów KOS 2007

Amy i Arnold Mindell

Tyłem do przodu. Praca z procesem w teorii i praktyce.Wydawnictwo AA, Kraków

Amy Mindell

Metaumiejętności: O sztuce terapii.Nuit Magique, Warszawa 1996.

Bogna Szymkiewicz-Kowalska (red.)

Po drugiej stronie kłopotów. Psychologia procesu w teorii i praktyce.Elders Academy Press, Warszawa 2003


Bogna Szymkiewicz i Tomasz Teodorczyk - Arnold Mindell i psychologia zorientowana na proces. W: M. Lis-Turlejska (red.) Nowe zjawiska w psycho-terapii.Agencja Wydawnicza Jacek Santorski & Co., Warszawa 1991.

Włodzimierz Świątek - Arnolda Mindella koncepcja podwójnych sygnałów. Nowiny Psychologiczne 5-6, 1990.

Stephan Bodian - Sny żyją w naszym ciele.Miesięcznik Trochę Inny 4(5), 1991. (Wywiad z Arnoldem Mindellem March/April 1990).

Małgorzata JałochoPsychologia zorientowana na proces a muzyka. Remedium 5(39), 1996. (Opracowanie na podstawie artykułu Lane'a Arye.)

Małgorzata Jałocho i Maria OwczarekRóża w diamencie. Remedium 5, 1996. (O warsztacie Lane'a Arye poświęconym twórczości.)

Poznajemy siebie przez zaśnienia.Remedium 11(45), 1996. (Rozmowa z Kate Jobe i Joe Goodbreadem.)

Książki w języku angielskim

Arnold Mindell

DreambodyLondon: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984

Working with the dreaming bodyLondon, New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985

River's way. The process science of the dreambody.London, Boston, Melbourne, Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985

The dreambody in relationships.London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, Inc., 1987

City shadows. Psychological interventions in psychiatry.London, New York: Routledge, 1988

Coma: Key to Awakening.Boston: Shambhala, 1989

The Year 1. Global Process Work.London, New York, Ringwood, Ontario, Auckland: Arkana, Penguin Group, 1989.

Working on Yourself Alone.London, New York, Ringwood, Ontario, Auckland: Arkana, Penguin Group, 1990.

The Leader as Martial Artist: an Introduction to Deep Democracy.San Francisco: Harper Collins Publishers, 1992

The Shaman's body.San Francisco: Harper Collins Publishers, 1993

Sitting in the Fire: Large group transformation using conflict diversity.Portland: Lao Tse Press, 1995

Quantum Mind. The Edge Between Physics and Psychology.Portland: Lao Tse Press, 2000

Dreaming While Awake.Hampton Roads. 2000.

The Dreammaker's Apprentice.Hampton Roads. 2001.

The Quantum Mind and Healing: How to Listen and Respond to Your Body's SymptomsHampton Roads 2004

The Deep Democracy of Open ForumsCharlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads Publishing, 2004.

Earth Based Psychology. Path AwarenessPortland OR., Lao Tse Press 2007

Process MindQuest Books Wheaton IL. 2010

Dance of the Antient One. How Universe Solves Personal and World Problems.Portland OR. DDX 2013

Arnold i Amy Mindell

Riding the Horse Backwards. Process Work in Theory and Practice.London, New York, Ringwood, Ontario, Auckland: Arkana, Penguin Group, 1992.

Amy Mindell

Metaskills: The spiritual art of therapy.Tempe: New Falcon Publications, 1995.

Coma. The Practical Handbook for Familly and Helpers.Portland: Lao Tse Press, 1999.

Alternative to Therapy. A Few Basic Process Work Principles. 2002

The Dreaming Source of CreativityPortland OR., Lao Tse Press 1995

Lane Arye

Unintentional MusicHampton Roads 2001

Arlene Audergon

The War Hotel: Psychological Dynamics in Violent Conflicts.Whurr Publications Ltd. London & Philadelfia. 2004

Julie Diamond

A Path Made by Walking: Process Work in Practice2012

Power: A User's GuideBelly Song Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico 2016

Joe Goodbread

The Dreambody Toolkit.New York, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987

Radical intercourse: How dreams unite us in love, conflict and other inevitable relationships.Portland: Lao Tse Press, 1997.

Befriending Conflict: How to make conflict safer, more productive, and more funJoe Goodbread in association with Lao Tse Press 2010

Living On the Edge. The Mythical, Spiritual and Philisophical Roots of Social MarginalityNew York. Nova Science Publishing, Inc. 2009

Dawn Menken

Speak Out! Talking About Love, Sex & EternityNew Falcon Publications Tempe, Arizona 2002

Raising Parents, Raising Kids: Hands-on Wisdom for the Next Generation2013

Pierre Morin

Inside Coma: A New View of Awareness, Healing, and Hope2010

Health in Sickness - Sickness in Health: Towards a New Process Oriented MedicineDDX 2014

Gary Reiss

Changing Ourselves, Changing the WorldNew Falcon Publicatioins 2000

Vital Loving: A Guide Book For Couples And FamiliesChanging Worlds 2004

Beyond War And Peace In The Arab Israeli ConflictChanging Worlds 2004

Dreaming Money: A Process-Oreinted Approach to Unifying the Worlds of Money, Psychology, and Spirituality2013

The Dance of Sex2013

Families that Dream Together2013

Love, Power and Wisdom2015

Journal of Process Oriented Psychology

Vol. 2 Number 1, February 1989The Process Press Zürich

Vol. 3 Number 1, February 1990,The Process Press Zürich

Vol. 4 Number 1, Fall/Winter 1992,The Process Press Portland, Oregon

Vol. 5 Number 1, Spring/Summer 1993The Process Press Portland, Oregon

Vol. 5 Number 2, Fall/Winter 1993,Lao Tse Press, Portland, Oregon

Vol. 6 Number 1, Summer 1994,Lao Tse Press, Portland, Oregon

Vol. 6 Number 2, Winter 1994-1995,Lao Tse Press, Portland, Oregon

Vol. 7 Number 1, 1995,Lao Tse Press, Portland, Oregon

Vol. 7 Number 2, 1995 - 1996,Lao Tse Press, Portland, Oregon

Vol. 8 Number 1, Spring/Summer 2001,Lao Tse Press, Portland, Oregon

Vol. 8 Number 2, Winter 2001,Lao Tse Press, Portland, Oregon

Wybrane prace dyplomowe w języku angielskim

Więcej na

Lane AryeMusic the Messanger.

Lane AryeProcess Work with Music: the fluid border between therapy an art.

Arlene AudergoneAn important contribution to Process research in the field of Psychiatry.

Deanna BassPOP Bodywork.

Ruby BrooksOur Inner Gods: the wisdom of the dreambody.

Barbara CrociAn Introduction to Process-Oriented Psychology: a detailed analysis of a therapy session.

Julie DiamondPatterns of communication: Towards a natural science of behavior.

Jan DworkinGroup Process Work: a stage for personal and global development.

Jan DworkinLiving Alchemy: the creative spirit in process.

Debbie van FelterHeroin Addiction: from process-oriented psychological view point.

Joseph GoodbreadDreaming Up Reality: a process work approach to counter-transference.

Leslie HeizerBeyond Compare: Treatment Approaches with Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents.

Leslie HeizerNotes for the Phase One Exams.

Amy KaplanThe Hidden Dance: An Introduction to Process-oriented Movement Work.

Dawn MenkenEmerging World Views: cultural transformations in process oriented psychology.

Annie MorganImpossible teachers: Study of use and abuse of power in therapy, relationships and wider society.

Clare NanceThe Individual as a Channel of Group Process.

Regula StewardThe Homeless: Gold Within The Garbage.

Sonya StraubStalking Your Inner Critic.








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